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Patient & Family Rights and Responsibilities

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Patient and Family's Rights

Rights to medical treatment

You have the rights to:

            Rights to make informed decisions

            You have the rights to:

                Rights to information and health education

                You have the rights to:

                      • Tests & investigation
                      • Diagnosis
                      • Treatment
                      • Potential and probable complications or side effects
                      • Prognosis
                      • Procedure performed
                      • Follow up and continuity of care after discharge
                      • Pain management where appropriate
                      • Organ donations / transplantation process as when appropriate

                    Rights to privacy and confidentiality

                    You have the rights to:

                      Rights to a safe and healthy environment

                      You have the rights to:

                        Rights to information on cost of treatment

                        You have the rights to:

                              Rights to voice comments or concerns

                              You have the rights to:


                                Patient and Family's Resposibilities

                                • Comply with hospital regulations and laws related to their treatment and healthcare.
                                • Provide accurate and complete information about your health to the attending doctor to the best of your ability.
                                • Follow doctor’s advice and treatment, keep appointments and inform the doctor or the hospital if you are unable to do so.
                                • Inform the private healthcare facility of your ability to pay for the service to be rendered.
                                • To be responsible for the safe keeping of your own valuables.
                                • Refrain from engaging in personal matters and treatment of other patients or hospital staff.
                                • Inform the hospital who is your authorised next of kin/legal guardian.
                                • Inform the healthcare provider if you are a registered organ donor.